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Liniste absoluta de 2 ani 7 luni

In cateva zile se fac 2 ani si 7 luni de cand asteptam procesarea dosarului nostru. Nu mai stiu unde am vazut pe site-ul lor o chestie cu timpii de procesare care s-ar fi extins de la 15 luni, cum era inainte de toate modificarile, catre 36 de luni de la data aplicarii. In cazul in care stie cineva pe unde ar fi (dar comunicat oficial) as aprecia un link.

In alta ordine de idei, timpii de procesare pentru vizele afectate de prioritatile de procesare sunt cei de mai jos:
http://www.immi.gov.au/about/charters/c ... /8.0.htm#c

Am dat un email in care le-am spus ca stiu despre ultimele modificari si timpii de procesare (asta ca sa nu-mi dea copy-paste de pe informarile lor oficiale), insa am rugamintea sa-mi spuna cand estimeaza ca vor ajunge cu procesarea si in zona mea.
In confirmarea de receptie a emailului (varianta automata) scria ca vor raspunde in decursul a 5 zile lucratorare.

Sa vedem....

Da, deci mi-au raspuns la email. Cica! Ce sa le zic? Multumesc pentru nimic.

Vedeti mai jos:

Dear Client,
Thank you for your email in relation to your visa application under Australia's General Skilled Migration program.

The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship has set new priority processing arrangements for certain Skilled Migration visas. These arrangements take account of the changes to the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) that came into effect on 1 July 2010, as well as the revocation of the Migration Occupation in Demand List (MODL) and the Critical Skills List (CSL). The new arrangements are designed to better address the needs of industry by targeting skills in critical need across a number of sectors. The current priority processing Direction commenced on 14 July 2010.

The priority processing arrangements apply to the following visas from 14 July 2010:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS);
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS); and
  • General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas except for:
  • Skilled - Recognised Graduate Subclass 476;
  • Skilled - Graduate Subclass 485;
  • Skilled - Designated Area - Sponsored (Residence) Subclass 883 and
  • Skilled - Regional Subclass 887.

Under the Ministerial Direction the following processing priorities (with the highest priority listed first) apply:

  1. Applications from people who are employer sponsored under the ENS or the RSMS.
  2. Applications from people who are nominated by a State/Territory government agency under a State Migration plan agreed to by the Minister.
  3. Applications from people who have nominated an occupation on the new Skilled Occupation List (SOL) - Schedule 3 in effect from 1 July 2010.
  4. All other applications are to be processed in the order in which they are received.

The SOL identifies occupations that reflect the high value, nation building skills Australia needs. The complete list of occupations on the SOL is available on the department's website at http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/

As your nominated occupation is not on the SOL - Schedule 3 and you are not sponsored by an employer or nominated by a State/Territory government in accordance with an occupation on the State Migration plan, your visa application will not be finalised until those visa applications which meet the higher processing priorities are finalised.

This priority processing Direction supersedes all previous Directions and applies to all unfinalised GSM applications with the exception of the subclass 476, 485, 883 and 887 visas identified above. This Direction applies irrespective of whether the application is newly lodged, has been assessed and is in the final stages of processing, or is nominated by a State/Territory government or family sponsor.

If you wish to have your application processed as a priority, you may wish to consider seeking an Australian employer to formally sponsor you.

Further information on the priority processing direction is available on the department's website at <http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-s...

Information on our current processing timeframes can be obtained by sending a blank email to: aspc.processing@immi.gov.au (link sends e-mail) aspc.processing@immi.gov.au (link sends e-mail)

This is an automated service providing processing information only. Please do not send any other enquiry or information to this email address.

Further enquiries may be directed to the department's General Skilled Migration Post-Lodgement Enquiry Form at <http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gs... . Please do not contact the department to request your application be exempt from the new priority processing Direction. Case Officers must adhere to the Minister's Direction.

Yours sincerely,


In momentul de fata sunt frustrata la maxim!

De cate ori fac modificari ei zic ca nu se aplica retroactiv, doar pentru simplu fapt ca nu se modifica punctajul sau conditiile de baza pentru aplicare si ca indiferent de data la care se proceseaza, ei vor lua in considerare conditiile in vigoare la momentul la care ai aplicat. Insa, pentru simplu fapt ca nu-mi ofera posibilitatea sa-mi retrag aplicatia, consider ca toate modificarile astea se aplica retroactiv. Poate o sa spuneti ca "bineinteles ca ai optiunea de a-ti retrage aplicatia". Din punctul meu de vedere aceasta nu este optiune atata timp cat ea nu vine si cu "restituirea taxei de procesare" pentru procesare care nu s-a intamplat.

Acum fac un pic teoria conspiratiei. Nu-i exclus ca ei de fapt sa fi mizat pe cei din grupa 4 ca nu vor dori sa astepte si vor incerca sa aplice pe alte conditii ca sa aiba prioritate. Noi aplicatii = alti bani. Probabil si-au facut calculele atunci cand au vazut cate lume a trecut de pe 175 pe 176 cu SS (inainte de 01.07.2010). Oare de ce acum nu mai poti sa treci automat? Normal, ca sa cotizezi din nou.

In oricare dintre variantele disponibile pentru cei din grupa 4, noi pierdem. Timp si/ sau bani. Mi s-ar fi parut mai normal sa fie ceva de genul: "s-au modificat timpii de procesare care erau in vigoare la data la care ati aplicat, habar n-avem cand o sa ajungem sa va procesam, dar daca vreti sa va retrageti dosarul, intelegem, si va restituim taxa in termen de x zile de la data la care ne-ati informat". Macar as fi simtit ca am o optiune. Ar fi fost alegerea mea sa astept in continuare.

Daca stiam ca vor fi minim 36 de luni poate nu mai voiam sa aplic. Nu sunt absurda si inteleg ca ei isi aleg oamenii de care au nevoie in conditiile economice actuale, dar mi se pare nedrept mesajul "pentru cei cu din grupa 4 de prioritate variantele lor sunt sa astepte in continuare, sa aplice pe un alt tip de viza cu prioritate (ceea ce inseamna o noua aplicatie, adica o noua taxa!!!) sau sa isi retraga aplicatia (caz in care NU SE RESTITUIE taxa de aplicare!!!) De ce?!!? Mi-au facut vreun serviciu ca sa merite sa le las cei 1300 de EUR? Care? Ca mi-au tinut 3 ani pe serverele lor documentele incarcate de mine? Le platesc storage?

Offf....sunt furioasa!! Incertitudinea asta ma omoara! Zi-mi dom'le din start ca dureaza 5 ani ca sa-mi procesezi dosarul si atunci imi vad si eu de viata. Imi schimb si eu covorul sau canapeaua si nu traiesc cu gandul ca nu are rost sa mai fac investitii pentru cateva luni sau 1 an.