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Statistici salarii Australia - sfarsit de an 2013

Aceste rapoarte au fost luate de pe MyCareer.com.au si Seek.com.au

Cifrele prezentate mai jos pot sau nu sa includa diverse alte pachete (exemplu: super-ul).

Cifrele de mai jos au fost calculate in felul urmator: Atunci cand un angajator publica un anunt despre un loc de munca, acesta este "obligat" sa scrie salariul minim si maxim pe care este dispus sa il ofere pentru acel loc de munca, chiar daca pe anuntul public angajatorul decide sa nu fie publicata suma.


Octombrie - Noiembrie - Decembrie 2013

Sector Media Minima Media Maxima Media
Salariu mediu in Australia $85,871
1Mining, Oil & Gas $63,896 $272,667 $139,373
2Executive / Corporate Strategy $57,615 $264,126 $134,576
3Engineering $52,428 $206,903 $111,641
4Construction, Building & Architecture $45,602 $236,112 $108,500
5IT & Telecommunications $44,500 $200,177 $104,001
6Human Resources & Recruitment $42,536 $207,429 $98,227
7Legal $52,230 $214,765 $96,009
8Medical & Healthcare $43,242 $189,131 $95,333
9PR & Communications $54,202 $215,000 $91,991
10Marketing $44,583 $192,917 $90,661
11Scientific $46,784 $157,200 $90,554
12Banking & Financial Services $46,334 $206,630 $86,430
13Accounting $49,593 $155,180 $84,042
14Insurance and Superannuation $40,218 $167,727 $83,217
15Sales $38,136 $203,750 $83,003
16Media, Advertising, Arts & Entertainment $40,271 $161,182 $81,194
17Government & Defence $41,407 $173,107 $80,513
18Property & Real Estate $39,000 $193,077 $76,997
19Manufacturing $35,395 $138,571 $76,263
20Logistics, Transport & Supply $40,841 $154,054 $73,828
21Primary Industry $36,630 $155,000 $73,764
22Community, Sport & Leisure $35,509 $115,286 $68,030
23Education and Training $46,778 $149,279 $67,956
24Automotive $29,571 $141,428 $63,694
25Trades and Services Positions $27,659 $113,438 $61,716
26Retail $37,444 $141,667 $60,236
27Graduate $36,250 $120,000 $56,188
28Hospitality, Travel and Tourism $31,272 $99,022 $55,898
29Admin/Office Support $30,609 $101,232 $55,183
30Customer Service & Call Centre $36,580 $107,143 $54,408


Noiembrie 2013

Clasificare Minim Mediu Maxim
Mining, Resources & Energy $107,437 $121,593 $135,748
Consulting & Strategy $96,932 $109,260 $121,588
Engineering $94,348 $107,461 $120,574
Construction $94,361 $107,313 $120,265
Information & Communication Technology $87,341 $99,517 $111,694
Legal $77,655 $90,841 $104,027
Healthcare & Medical $78,384 $87,503 $96,622
Marketing & Communications $76,945 $87,001 $97,057
Human Resources & Recruitment $76,664 $86,746 $96,828
Government & Defence $76,493 $84,855 $93,217
Banking & Financial Services $74,139 $84,452 $94,765
Sales $71,924 $81,989 $92,055
Accounting $71,970 $81,786 $91,602
Insurance & Superannuation $72,010 $81,577 $91,145
Science & Technology $69,446 $78,472 $87,499
Advertising, Arts & Media $67,830 $75,906 $83,982
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics $66,953 $75,055 $83,156
Education & Training $65,419 $73,259 $81,100
Design & Architecture $62,895 $71,180 $79,464
Farming, Animals & Conservation $61,574 $69,022 $76,471
Real Estate & Property $59,719 $68,302 $76,884
Community Services & Development $61,159 $67,699 $74,240
Trades & Services $55,104 $62,193 $69,283
Sport & Recreation $54,518 $61,458 $68,398
Retail & Consumer Products $51,621 $58,314 $65,007
Hospitality & Tourism $50,543 $56,250 $61,957
Call Centre & Customer Service $48,830 $54,924 $61,018
Administration & Office Support $47,263 $52,931 $58,598