aditional, sa nu existe confuzii (info de pe acest site contine data si recomandari mai vechi de 2017):
Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) replaced the previous ‘Skilled Occupation List’ (SOL) and is available in Schedule 1 of the relevant legislative instrument
Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) replaced the previous ‘Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List’ (CSOL) and is available in Schedule 2 of the relevant legislative instrument.
Erau asteptate modificarile. Multam.
Modificarea taxelor de viza (daca nu ma insel au crescut, cel putin pe 189/190, cu undeva in jurul a 7-10%)
aditional, sa nu existe confuzii (info de pe acest site contine data si recomandari mai vechi de 2017):
For ease of reference, they have combined both the STSOL and the eligible MLTSSL occupations together